
Occasional care is an ideal steppingstone for preparing your child for long day care, kinder or school. We offer occasional, flexible and transitional care for children aged 3 months to 6 years (permanent bookings are also available). We provide a developmentally-appropriate learning program following the Belonging, Being and Becoming Early Years learning framework.
We have a purpose-built, multi-zoned childcare room with a large outdoor play area. Our focus is to ensure all children feel safe, secure and comfortable while in our care, and that their individual developmental needs are nurtured. We invite you to visit us for a tour and to discuss your family’s childcare needs.
Our childcare is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays during Victorian school terms. We are closed on Public Holidays and during school holidays.
We offer 5-hour and 3-hour childcare sessions, up to a maximum of 15 hours of care per child per week:
- 5-hour sessions: 9 am–2 pm
- 3-hour sessions: 9 am–12 pm, or 11 am–2 pm
Both flexible/occasional and permanent bookings are accepted, subject to availability.
Class care: For adults enrolled in one of our education, skills or recreation programs who need childcare, class care is available at the special rate of $10 per child during program sessions.
Fees & Subsidy Information
5-hour session: $77.50*
Sibling care: $65.00*
3-hour session: $46.50*
Sibling care: $40.00*
Class care: $10 per 2-hour session
We are an approved Child Care Subsidy (CCS) provider. This means you can access government-subsidised childcare at our centre and generally only pay the gap amount after the subsidy has been applied.
You can estimate the amount of subsidy you could receive here. Our friendly staff can also assist you with applying for CCS, or related queries. Contact us or visit our office.
Note: Payment is to be made on the day of care, or weekly/fortnightly depending on your bookings. Payment is via bank transfer (details provided upon enrolment).
*Fees effective as of 1 July 2024. Download our fee statement here.
Parent Information & Requirements

Child enrolment forms and attachments must be completed before your child’s first session. You can download the enrolment form here. Completed forms can be returned to us in person or via email.
An up-to-date copy of your child’s immunisation history record must be provided. Read about the ‘No Jab, No Play’ policy here.
What To Pack
Change of clothes (weather-appropriate options), nappies, healthy food/bottles of milk, and water bottles. Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name.
For 3-hour sessions please provide 1 snack, and for 5-hour sessions please provide 2 snacks and lunch. We encourage healthy and nut-free foods, e.g. sandwiches, fruit, crackers, and proteins. We can chill or heat meals as needed.
As we are a SunSmart centre, a wide-brimmed hat is required for outdoor play. We will apply sunscreen before going outside. You may provide your own sunscreen if you prefer.

Arrival & Departure
Please see reception upon arrival and departure to ensure your child is signed in and out. If someone other than the primary carer(s) is collecting the child, their details must be listed as an emergency contact in our system and their ID must be shown.
Please pick up your child on time and advise us of any delay via phone. Late fees will apply.
Please be mindful of noise at drop-off and pick-up times, as the centre is multi-functional and numerous courses and classes are running during these times.
For further information please see our parent handbook and childcare information flyer.
Child Safety & Wellbeing

Whilst caring for your child, we are committed to ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the child’s safety and wellbeing is paramount at all times.
We have a zero-tolerance policy of child abuse and we will fulfil our duty of care obligations under the law by protecting children from any reasonable, foreseeable risk of injury or harm.
We have an obligation to contact authorities for intervention for children and young people who may be at risk of abuse or neglect and we will follow our policies and procedures as required.
A comprehensive library of our childcare policies is available here.
Child Safe Standards Commitment
We are committed to the culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
We support the cultural safety of children from a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background.
We support and provide a safe environment for children with disability, emotional trauma, and behavioural challenges.
Every child has the right to feel safe and protected while in our care.
Approved Provider & Service License
Outlets Co-op Neighbourhood House Ltd is DET (Victoria) Service Approved Licensed Childrens – SE00015784 PR:00008995 as Occasional Child Care, and Commonwealth Government DET – Approval for the Purposes for Provider 190019817K to offer the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
Please abide by the rules outlined by Outlets Co-op in the Parent Information Handbook, and the Policies and Procedures – Children’s Services Act 1996 & Children’s Services Regulations SR No32/2020.
Outlets Co-op acknowledges the support of the Department of Education and Training (DET) (Federal) CCCFR and DESE CCCFR to enable us to deliver an affordable and quality childcare service.